Things you can do at home to take care of your tootsies.
- MOISTURISE! We spend all day on them, walking, standing, running, even sitting takes a toll on feet. They are neglected and while you're sitting in front of the telly you can put on some mosituriser.
- SHOES - The shoes that you wear are really important - I know you LOVE pointy shoes but wear them sparingly. The pressure that pointed toes places on the big toe (where bunions form)is immense, so when you can go barefoot or wear comfortable ballet flats.
- MASSAGE - Get a foot massage - find someone that can really get in and get any waste product moving and can mobilize those tootsies.
- PEDICURE - what can a Pedi-cure? Pretty much anything! It also can also keep the nails looking their best. But make sure you're careful about the hygiene of the place that you get your pedi from. You dont want a toe fungus!!
Any more suggestions??