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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

How to do a great Facial at home!

Most of us know that taking care of your skin is really important and having a monthly in salon facial at
Peachy great way to keep your skin looking at its very best. When you come in for a facial your therapist can identify any problems areas and provide you with personalized advice on keeping your skin look amazing.
Having a facial once a month is all well and good but what can you do the other 3 weeks of the month to help keep your skin looking great?
A weekly facial at home will help to maintain your look and get any of those problem areas under control. So what do you do?
Its easy there are 5 steps to having a great facial at home.
  1. Cleanse - Using your usual cleaners (either Mukti Cleansing lotion or Gentil Foaming cleanser) Its really important to make sure that you have a clean canvas, if you don't then any products that follow will be wasted. Make sure that you have removed all your makeup including your eye make up (want a great eye make up remover try Mukti Anti-Oxident Facial oil)

  2. Exfoliate - Exfoliation is really important, removing those dull dead skin cells that are on the surface of the skin helps to reveal the glowing and fresh skin underneath. For a home exfoliant try grinding up a 50/50 blend of plain rice and rolled oats in a spice grinder then mix with your usual cleanser.

  3. Infuse - Dull dehydrated skin is one of the main problems that skin suffers from, once you've exfoliated it's important to infuse into nourishment into your skin. Try Peachy's Rosehip and Jojoba oil or Mukti Anti-Oxidant Facial Oil. Pat the oil into the skin, rolling and pressing to help infuse the oil into the skin.

  4. Masque - A masque at home can be very relaxing and it helps to infuse the oil into the skin, try a clay masque if you have congested skin or use some ground rolled oats and green tea if you find that you suffer from redness. Find the time to soak in a hot bath (the steam will help your infusion) and relax back and let the masque.

  5. Nourish - Once you have removed your masque, you can use your usual moisturizer and mix it with some of the oil from your infusion to help provide the most nourishment for your skin. Once again rolling and gently pressing the moisturizer into the skin means that you aren't over stretching the skin.
So you can see that there are 5 easy steps to getting your skin looking its best at home. It's still really important to come in and have a professional skin analysis to make sure that you have the right products and a regular facial will help to make sure that your skin is on the right track.

Stay Peachy!
<3 kristie

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