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Feel like this?
Massage at Peachy is awesome

Thursday, July 5, 2012

A year? Really?

So, this Monday will be a year since my mum died. It's like you just wake up one morning and a full year has disappeared.
There's been a weird void in my life since mum passed, like I keep waiting for her to get back from a holiday or something. But she's not coming back. It's pretty hard at times. There are so many questions that I have for my mum and there are times that I could really use her help.
I'm mostly sad for Miss A, she's not going to have the chance to know her Nanna.
I could wallow all day being sad about my mum but I don't think that would honour her memory. So I choose to focus on the good things.
My amazing partner. My beautiful bubba girl. My family and my friends.
Thanks for being in my life.

1 comment:

  1. That's what your mum would want you to do... focus on the good things!
